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A "suggest search" is a search function that automatically displays suggestions or auto-completions to users as they enter search queries.

A suggest search can be carried out as follows.

query {
  suggest(input: { text: "work" }) {
    suggestions {

The suggestions that would lead to hits are returned as a result. term contains the suggested term, hits returns the number of times the term is contained in the index. This is not the number of search results that would be expected from a search with the term.

  "data": {
    "suggest": {
      "suggestions": [
          "term": "work",
          "hits": 32
          "term": "workshop",
          "hits": 7
          "term": "working",
          "hits": 5

The same filters can be specified for the suggest search as for a search. The suggest is usually used together with a full-text search. In this case, the filters for the search and the suggest should always be the same. This ensures that the suggestions only return the words that lead to hits for the search.

query {
  suggest(input: { text: "holid", filter: [{ groups: ["1195"] }] }) {
    suggestions {