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Indexing, i.e. filling and updating the search index, is triggered internally and is therefore not publicly accessible.

Reindex all documents#

One use case is to recreate the entire index. The mutation index is used for this.

mutation {
  index {

Updating individual documents#

If new articles are created or updated in the CMS, they must also be created or updated in the index. This is also done via the mutation indexUpdate. The paths of the resources to be updated are passed via an array.

mutation {
  indexUpdate(["news/438237.php", "events/43212.php"]) {

Get Indexing status#

While the indexer is indexing the documents, the current status can be queried using the query indexerStatus. For example, to show how many documents have already been indexed.

query {
  indexerStatus {

Remove documents#

The mutation indexRemove is used to remove documents from the index. The corresponding documents are removed from the index by specifying idList, which is used to specify a list of resource IDs.

mutation {
  indexRemove(idlist: ["438237", "43212"])

Abort indexing#

Indexing can be canceled. A check is made after each chunk as to whether the process should be aborted. The mutation indexAbort is used to ensure that indexing is interrupted.

mutation {