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Getting started#

This guide shows the integration and basic usage of the GraphQL API.


A Symfony 6.4 project with Symfony-Flex is required. In this project the GraphQL endpoint is set up.


For GraphQl integration the overblog/GraphQLBundle Symfony bundle is used.

First add the Sitepark Flex Repository before installing the bundle.

See: Sitepark Flex Repository

The installation is then carried out via composer require.

composer require atoolo/graphql-search-bundle



To learn the basics of GraphQL, "Introduction to GraphQL" is a good place to start.


You can run GraphQL queries in a curl query in the command line on your local computer. A GraphQL query can be issued as a POST request to `/graphql with the query as the payload.

With the fictitious endpoint, the GraphQL endpoint can be reached at the following URL.

curl "" --fail \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{"query" : "{ ping }"}'


Because GraphQL is a communication pattern, there are many tools to help you get started working which support GraphQL in all sorts of languages.

See e.g. here

Altair GraphQL Client#

Altair GraphQL Client is a GraphQL client that allows you to interact with GraphQL servers. It provides a user-friendly interface for creating, executing, and debugging queries. Altair supports features such as automatic code completion, syntax highlighting, and real-time query execution. It is a valuable tool for working with GraphQL APIs, streamlining the development process, and improving query accuracy.

It is also available as a browser extension.


GraphiQL is an interactive development environment for GraphQL that allows developers to easily create, execute and test GraphQL queries. It provides a user-friendly interface with features such as automatic code completion and real-time query execution. GraphiQL helps developers explore API endpoints and develop and debug queries efficiently. It is a valuable tool for working with GraphQL APIs, streamlining the development process and improving query accuracy.

GraphiQL can be installed as a desktop app, for example. See GraphQL-Playground.

With the fictitious endpoint the GraphQL Playground needs the URL.

The ending slash is necessary and must not be omitted.