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Rewrite Bundle#

This bundle contains functions for URL rewriting.


The sources can be accessed via the GibHub project


First add the Sitepark Flex Repository before installing the bundle.

See: Sitepark Flex Repository

Use Composer to install this component in your PHP project:

composer require atoolo/rewrite-bundle

Url rewriting#

The url rewriter enables the manipulation of URLs via a central point. For this, however, it is necessary that the URLs to be manipulated are passed to the URL rewriter by the services to which these URLs are known.

For the central URL rewriter, the class Atoolo\Rewrite\Service\UrlRewriteHandlerCollection is available as a Symfony service under the alias atoolo_rewrite.url_rewriter. Various handlers can be registered for the UrlRewriteHandlerCollection. To do this, the handler must implement the interface Atoolo\Rewrite\Service\UrlRewriterHandler.

Example of a handler:

use Atoolo\Rewrite\Dto\Url;
use Atoolo\Rewrite\Dto\UrlRewriterHandlerContext;
use Atoolo\Rewrite\Dto\UrlRewriteType;

class MyUrlRewriteHandler implements UrlRewriterHandler
    public function rewrite(
        Url $url,
        UrlRewriterHandlerContext $context,
    ): Url {
      $manipulatedUrl = $url->toBuilder()
          // manipulate the url

      return $manipulatedUrl;

The handler can then be registered via tagging in the Symfony service configuration:

    class: MyUrlRewriteHandler
      - { name: atoolo_rewrite.url_rewrite_handler }

Using the rewriter#

The rewriter can be used in a Symfony service:

use Atoolo\Rewrite\Dto\UrlRewriteOptions;
use Atoolo\Rewrite\Dto\UrlRewriteType;
use Atoolo\Rewrite\Service\UrlRewriter;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autowire;

class MyService
    public function __construct(
        #[Autowire(service: 'atoolo_rewrite.url_rewriter')]
        private readonly UrlRewriter $urlRewriter,
    ) {}

    public function doSomething(): void
        $url = $this->urlRewriter->rewrite(

All URLs transferred in this way can then be manipulated centrally via the various handlers.

There may be cases where only certain types of URLs are to be changed. Therefore, the type of URL must always be specified. The possible types are

Type Description
Link The URL is a link.
Image The URL is an image.
Media The url is a medium e.g. a PDF.

Build-in Handler#

The bundle provides several handlers that are already available for the standard URL rewriter (atoolo_rewrite.url_rewriter).

Language prefix handler (atoolo_rewrite.url_rewrite_handler.lang_prefix)#

This handler is used to set a prefix path for a language. Various rules apply to determine the language code to be used.

The parameter atoolo_rewrite.url_rewrite_handler.lang_prefix.default can be used to specify a default code in the format [lang-code]:[redirect-to-default-lang-prefix] (e.g. en:false).


  atoolo_rewrite.url_rewrite_handler.lang_prefix.default: 'en:false'

This defines what the default language is and whether or not the prefix should be set for the default language.

The language to be used can be specified to the rewriter via the UrlRewriteOptions:


If the language is not specified via the UrlRewriteOptions, the language is determined via the request. This checks whether the language code has been specified as a path prefix for the request.

.php suffix handler (atoolo_rewrite.url_rewrite_handler.php_suffix)#

URLs with the extension .php are removed.

/foo/bar.php becomes /foo/bar. A special case here is when the URL ends with /index.php. In this case, index.php is removed so that the URL ends with /. For example, /foo/bar/index.php becomes /foo/bar/.

Special url rewriter#

Wenn nicht der zentrale URL-Rewriter genutzt werde soll, sonder nur bestimmte Handler verwendet werden soll, kann auch ein eigenen Service definiert werden.


    class: Atoolo\Rewrite\Service\UrlRewriteHandlerCollection
      - ["@my_handler"]