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GraphQL Search Bundle#

The GraphQL Search Bundle uses the functionalities of the Search bundle and extends the GraphQL interface with the ability to perform searches.


The sources can be accessed via the GibHub project


First add the Sitepark Flex Repository before installing the bundle.

See: Sitepark Flex Repository

Use Composer to install this component in your PHP project:

composer require atoolo/graphql-search-bundle

Teaser Customization#


To make a new teaser available, a class must be created that implements the interface Teaser.

class NewsTeaser extends Teaser
    public function __construct(
        ?Link $link,
        public readonly ?string $headline,
        public readonly ?string $text,
        public readonly Resource $resource
    ) {


A teaser factory must implement the interface TeaserFactory. The factory is used to create a teaser object from a resource object.

Creates a teaser object with the basic data of a teaser, which can be derived from the resource without any effort.

For the factory, the method TeaserFactory::create(Resource $resource): Teaser must be implemented.

class NewsTeaserFactory implements TeaserFactory
    public function __construct(
        private readonly LinkFactory $linkFactory,
    ) {

     public function create(Resource $resource): Teaser
        $link = $this->linkFactory->create(

        $headline = $resource->data->getString(
        $text = $resource->data->getString('base.teaser.text');

        return new NewsTeaser(
            $text === '' ? null : $text,

More complex determinations should be made using the teaser resolver. This can provide a method for individual fields, which is only executed if the field is requested in the GraphQL query.

A factory can be defined as a Symfony service.

    class: 'Atoolo\GraphQL\Search\Resolver\NewsTeaserFactory'
      - "@atoolo_graphql_search.resolver.url_rewriter"
      - { name: "atoolo_graphql_search.teaser_factory", objectType: "news" }

Tagging the service with atoolo_graphql_search.teaser_factory registers it as a teaser factory. The objectType parameter specifies the object type for which the factory is to be used.


A teaser resolver is a service that implements the interface TeaserResolver. The resolver is used to determine the data of a teaser that cannot be derived directly from the resource and therefore requires a more complex determination. The resolver can make a method available for individual fields, which is only executed if the field is requested in the GraphQL query.

A teaser resolver can have getter methods that provide the data for the individual fields of the teaser. These methods must have a specific signature in order to be called by the GraphQL query.

The first argument of the method is the teaser for which the data is to be determined. This has previously been created by the corresponding teaser factory.

The second argument is optional and is only necessary if the GraphQL field variables is provided.

Here is an example of a method without variables:

class NewsTeaserResolver implements Resolver
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ResourceDateTimeResolver $dateResolver,
    ) {}

    public function getDate(
        NewsTeaser $teaser,
    ): ?DateTime {
        return $this->dateResolver->getDate($teaser->resource);

Here is an example of a method with variables:

use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Definition\ArgumentInterface;

class NewsTeaserResolver implements Resolver
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ResourceAssetResolver $assetResolver,
    ) {}

    public function getAsset(
        NewsTeaser $teaser,
        ArgumentInterface $args,
    ): ?Asset {
        return $this->assetResolver->getAsset($teaser->resource, $args);

A resolver can be defined as a Symfony service.

      - '@Atoolo\GraphQL\Search\Resolver\ArticleTeaserResolver'
      - { name: "atoolo_graphql_search.resolver" }

In the above case, the ArticleTeaserResolver is still required in the constructor of the NewsTeaserResolver. This is passed as an argument.

By tagging the service with atoolo_graphql_search.resolver, it is registered as a teaser resolver.


The URL rewriter is a service that implements the interface UrlRewriter. The rewriter is used to rewrite URLs in the teaser object. URL rewriters are needed to influence the URL's that are returned in the teasers.

In the standard case, the DoNothingUrlRewriter is used, which returns the URLs unchanged.

    class: Atoolo\GraphQL\Search\Resolver\DoNothingUrlRewriter

However, this can be replaced by a separate URL rewriter if necessary.