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Form Bundle#

This bundle provides an HTTP interface via which forms can be displayed and processed with the help of JSON Forms.

See also Form API.


The sources can be accessed via the GibHub project


First add the Sitepark Flex Repository before installing the bundle.

See: Sitepark Flex Repository

Use Composer to install this component in your PHP project:

composer require atoolo/form-bundle

Submit Processors#

The form data is submitted to the Form API. This is then processed by one or more submit processors.

All submit processors implement the SubmitProcessor- interface and process the form data in a chain of processors.

 * @template T of SubmitProcessorOptions
interface SubmitProcessor
     * @template E of T
     * @param E $options
    public function process(FormSubmission $submission, SubmitProcessorOptions $options): FormSubmission;

Each processor must have a key. This key is specified in the configuration of the form definition to define which processor processes the data. This can be done via the PHP attribute AsTaggedItem. It is also important to specify the priority, as the processors are executed in the order of priority.

#[AsTaggedItem(index: 'my-processor', priority: 21)]
class MyProcessor implements SubmitProcessor
    public function process(FormSubmission $submission, SubmitProcessorOptions $options): FormSubmission
        return $submission;

The form definition can be used to determine which processors are to be used. However, the sequence cannot be influenced.

The bundle is used to define default processors that are always used. However, these can also be overwritten.


    "ip-limiter": ~
    "submit-limiter": ~
    "json-schema-validator": ~

The order of the processors can be controlled via the priority. The higher the priority, the earlier the processor is executed.

IpLimiter (ip-limiter, priority: 80)#

The IP limiter is used to limit the number of form submissions per IP address.

The configuration can be changed in the project via a customized configuration.


    policy: "token_bucket"
    limit: 20
    rate: { interval: "15 minutes", amount: 5 }

SubmitLimiter (submit-limiter, priority: 70)#

The submit limiter is used to limit the number of form submissions across all forms and IP addresses.

The configuration can be changed in the project via a customized configuration.


    policy: "token_bucket"
    limit: 1000
    rate: { interval: "15 minutes", amount: 100 }

JsonSchemaValidator (json-schema-validator, priority: 20)#

The JsonSchemaValidator-SubmitProcessor can be used to validate form data against a JSON schema.

For the validation of non-standardized formats, separate format validators can be implemented. These must implement the FormatConstraint interface.

interface Constraint {}

interface FormatConstraint extends Constraint
     * Returns the JSON-Schema type that this constraint applies to.
    public function getType(): string;

     * Returns the format name to which this constraint applies.
    public function getName(): string;

     * Validates the given value against the format constraint.
     * @param mixed $value The value to validate.
     * @param stdClass $schema The schema that defines the format constraint.
     * @return bool Whether the value is valid.
    public function check(mixed $value, stdClass $schema): bool;

EmailSender (email-sender, priority: 10)#

The EmailSender-SubmitProcessor can be used to send form data by e-mail.

E-Mail Template#

The html email is generated from a Twig template. There are 3 templates for this

Contains the frame HTML with header and footer
@AtooloForm/email.html.summary.twig : Contains a summary of the submitted forms.
Contains a summary of the transmitted form data
@AtooloForm/email.html.styles.css : Contains the CSS styles.
Contains the CSS styles for the e-mail template

If necessary, these can also be overwritten in your own project by storing the corresponding templates in your own project under templates/bundles/AtooloFormBundle.